Stein Electrical & Mechanical Solutions Limited is committed to:

  • Providing customers with high quality installations and services which meet requirements and are fit for their purpose
  • Operating the business to the systems required by ISO 9001:2015
  • Enhancing the skills of management and staff through review and actively pursuing an on-going training policy, the objective of which is to prepare staff to perform their work more effectively.
  • Promoting the culture of continual quality improvements and the philosophy of getting things ‘right first time’.
  • Rigorously controlling the supply, installation and completion to programme of all projects.
  • Promoting the Quality Management Systems and ensuring implementation is achieved by internal auditing, management review, corrective and preventive action.
  • Everyone is responsible for the quality within the company and for maintaining high standards.

This policy is publicly available by contacting us at [email protected]

Approved By: Billy Stein, Managing Director

Approved: 2024

Review: 2025